Sharing the Gospel
July 2004

“Sharing the Gospel,” Friend, July 2004, 43

Sharing the Gospel

Our neighbor’s husband died several months ago, and my family and I have been helping her with yard work and just being friends with her. She is a very nice lady who believes in Jesus but doesn’t go to any church.

A few months ago the missionaries came to our Primary class and talked to us about missionary work. They encouraged us to share the gospel with someone. On the way home I told my parents I wanted to share the gospel with our neighbor.

As soon as we got home, I took a plate of cookies and my scriptures to her house. We read the Articles of Faith together, and then I visited with her and helped her do things in her house. I felt good inside when I shared the gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that we should all share the gospel when we can.

Shevaun Ames, age 6, is a member of the Lewiston Second Ward, Lewiston Idaho Stake.
