Guide to the Friend
November 2004

“Guide to the Friend,” Friend, Nov. 2004, inside back cover

Guide to the Friend

The Guide to the Friend can help you find stories or articles for preparing lessons or talks for church or for family home evening. The Primary theme for November is “Keeping the Sabbath day holy can strengthen my family.”

Family Home Evening Ideas

Look for the FHE symbol on the [original magazine] pages mentioned below.

  1. Read President Gordon B. Hinckley’s message “Take Not the Name of God in Vain” (pages 2–3). What blessings are we promised for not swearing? Use the Topical Guide to find scriptures on using clean language (see listings for Profanity, Blasphemy). To help you keep control of your thoughts and words, memorize a scripture to recite whenever you’re tempted to use bad language.

  2. To find out how Latter-day Saints first celebrated Thanksgiving in 1848, read “The First Thanksgiving in Utah” (pages 4–6). What do you think they were most grateful for? Read the poem “Gratitude” (page 7) to remember the kinds of things we are grateful for today. Then complete the activity “Blessings Tree” (pages 34–35).

  3. Read “My Prayer Was Answered” (pages 10–12) to find out why a boy prayed to help his cows. The Lord loves all of His creations, including animals. As a family, complete the word search “Animals in the Scriptures” (page 31). Discuss ways we can show respect for Heavenly Father’s creations.

  4. How can we learn from both prophets in the scriptures and prophets who speak to us today? To read both ancient and modern messages from prophets, complete the activity “The Lord Speaks to Us through Prophets” (pages 24–25).

  5. Read “A Gift for Kathryn” (pages 46–48). Like the girl in the story, how can you find out who needs your help? Commit to pray throughout the week that the Holy Ghost will help you serve someone. Complete the activity “Serving Others” (page 26) and display it to remind you to be helpful.

  6. For more ideas, see page 38.

The Friend can be found on the Internet at www.lds.org. Click on Gospel Library.

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