undefined undefined I Will Seek Good Friends and Treat Others Kindly
I Will Seek Good Friends and Treat Others Kindly
November 2004

“I Will Seek Good Friends and Treat Others Kindly,” Friend, Nov. 2004, 44

I Will Seek Good Friends and Treat Others Kindly*

My daughter Emily is in kindergarten. Every day at recess she sees a little girl named Raye who is in a wheelchair. Raye can’t walk or talk. Emily told me that she doesn’t want Raye to feel sad because she can’t run and play with the other children. So whenever she sees Raye, Emily sits with her and holds her hand and tells her stories. One day last week Raye looked cold, so Emily took off her own coat and laid it across Raye’s shoulders. Emily loves Raye and wants her to be happy.

  • See My Gospel Standards, Faith in God guidebook, back cover.

Emily Olsen, age 5, is a member of the Keokuk Branch, Nauvoo Illinois Stake.