Family Memory Box
January 2005

“Family Memory Box,” Friend, Jan. 2005, 38

Family Memory Box

A new year has just begun. What better time to make future memories? As a family, you can make a family memory box.

You will need: a box; tape; wrapping paper, drawings, photos, or stickers (optional); an envelope for each family member; and various objects chosen from the suggestions below.


  1. Decorate the box with wrapping paper, drawings, photos, or stickers (optional).

  2. Copy the letter on page 39 for each family member to fill out (or use it as an example to help each family member write him or herself a letter). Seal each letter in an envelope marked with the person’s name and put them all in the box.

  3. Using the suggestions on this page, assemble other objects and put them in the box.

  4. Seal the box with tape and hide it in a safe place.

  5. On January 1, 2006, open the box, read the letters, and enjoy the memories!


Need help getting started? You may want to include:

  • Photos of your family and friends

  • The front page of your local newspaper

  • An audiotape of your family speaking or singing

  • The outline of your hand or foot traced on paper

  • A souvenir or written statement about a favorite 2004 family home evening or outing

  • List of family goals for 2005

  • List of family accomplishments in 2004

  • Drawings by each family member of one thing each hopes to do in 2005

  • A list of how much your favorite foods cost

  • A written statement about (or picture of) the funniest thing that happened to you in 2004

  • A list of books you read in 2004

A Letter to Myself

letter to me

Illustrated by Julie F. Young

Dear _________________ ,

Today’s date is _______________ . I am ____ years old. I measure ______ tall.

I really like to ___________________ with my family! When I spend time with friends, we often ________________________ . Some of my friends are _______________________________________________________________________ .

Here are some of my favorites:

Song or musician: ______________________

Television show or movie: ________________

Game: ________________________________

Book: _________________________________

Food: _________________________________

Primary activity: _________________________

Place to visit: __________________________

Hobby: _________________________________

What I remember most about 2004 is _______________________________________ ________________________________ because ________________________________ .

I was pleased with myself when I __________________________________________ because it was a challenge to accomplish it. One thing I hope to learn to do better in 2005 is _________________________________________________ .

If I could make a wish for 2005, it would be __________________________________ _____________________________ . One goal I hope to achieve by the end of this year is ______________________________________ .

The Primary’s My Gospel Standards are important in my life. I plan to improve on the following standards this year: __________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________ .

If I’m ever discouraged, the scriptures can help me feel the Spirit. My favorite scripture story is ________________________________________________________ .

I know that Heavenly Father answers prayers because ______________________

__________________________________________________________ . I will try to remember to say my prayers every morning and night.

Well, see you next year!

Love, _______________________________

P.S. I forgot to say that _________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ .

Note: If you do not wish to remove pages from the magazine, this activity may be copied, traced, or printed out from the Internet at www.lds.org. Click on Gospel Library.

Illustrated by Julie F. Young
