Guide to the Friend
January 2005

“Guide to the Friend,” Friend, Jan. 2005, inside back cover

Guide to the Friend

The Guide to the Friend can help you find stories or articles for preparing lessons or talks for church or for family home evening. The Primary theme for January is “Heavenly Father presented a plan for us to become like Him.”

Family Home Evening Ideas

Look for the FHE symbol on the [original magazine] pages mentioned below.

  1. Tell the story of Atiati from President James E. Faust’s message “Born Again through Baptism” (pages 2–3). Ask the baptized members of your family to discuss how baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost changed their lives. Ask those who have not yet been baptized how they are preparing themselves.

  2. To celebrate Heavenly Father’s beautiful world, read the poems “The Creation” (page 7) and “Our Animal Friends” (pages 34–35). Ask everyone to name a few of their favorite creations, explain their choices, and draw pictures of them. Then complete the activity “Our Beautiful World—Part of the Plan” (page 43).

  3. Turn off the lights and tell the story “The Light” (pages 4–6) in your own words, turning on a flashlight at the appropriate time. Discuss how prayer can bring more light into our lives. Then read “Prayer” (pages 24–25), and do the coloring activity.

  4. Read “Grandma’s Life Mission” (pages 36–37) and talk about the joy family members bring into your lives. Discuss how Heavenly Father’s plan, Jesus’s Atonement, and temple work unite families forever. Invite people to tell of deceased family members they look forward to meeting again someday. Prepare a family memory box (pages 38–39) to celebrate your family as it is right now.

  5. Read “Ben’s Busy Day” (pages 40–42) and make plans for serving others as a family. Prepare “Food for the Birds” (page 33) to serve your feathered friends and “A Mouse in the House” (page 35) treats to serve each other.

The Friend can be found on the Internet at www.lds.org. Click on Gospel Library.

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The Friend is available each month in Braille, or as a Talking Book, for the visually impaired. For more information, write: Manager, Special Curriculum, 50 E. North Temple St. Rm. 2404, Salt Lake City, Utah 84150-3200.

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