“Turning the Other Cheek,” Friend, Jan. 2005, 45
Turning the Other Cheek
Last year I was sitting on the school bus when an older boy came over and started saying mean things to the boy next to me. I told him to stop. I said it was not nice. He didn’t like that, so he slapped my face. I sat there shocked that he had done this to me. My mom had told me that when kids say or do mean things, I should sing the Primary song “I’m Trying to Be like Jesus.” So I started singing the song in my head, and the boy slapped me again. I did not hit the boy back. I didn’t want to hit him. I followed Jesus’s example and turned the other cheek. I know I did the right thing by not hitting back. I am happy that we have Primary songs that can help us during hard times.
Matthew Painter, age 9, is a member of the Hazeldale Ward, Beaverton Oregon West Stake.