Guide to the Friend
February 2005

“Guide to the Friend,” Friend, Feb. 2005, inside back cover

Guide to the Friend

The Guide to the Friend can help you find stories or articles for preparing lessons or talks for church or for family home evening. The Primary theme for February is “I am a child of God.”

Family Home Evening Ideas

Look for the FHE symbol on the [original magazine] pages mentioned below.

  1. As you read President Gordon B. Hinckley’s message “Be Not Afraid” (pages 2–3), look for the scripture verses he wishes each Church member would read every day. Then follow the prophet’s counsel and write down the verses on a card or piece of paper. Post the paper where each family member can see it.

  2. After reading “Frankie, Child of God” (pages 4–6), talk about how you know that Heavenly Father loves you. Do you know people, like Frankie, who might not know about Heavenly Father? What can you do to show them love and share your testimony? To remind you that each person is a child of God, complete and display the activity “A Child of God” pages 24–25).

  3. Read “Because My Teacher Loves Me” (pages 14–15). How have people helped you in your life? How can you be more prepared to help others? Discuss what to do or who to call if, like Desiree, you ever need outside help. Review emergency contact phone numbers. Finish by thinking of someone special who has served your family or shown you love, and make him or her an “‘I Love You This Much’ Card” (page 12).

  4. What do you know about President Boyd K. Packer, Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles? Find out more by completing the activity on page 19. Afterward, have everyone choose objects to represent something about themselves. Display the items and take turns guessing why each family member chose those items. Finish by enjoying “Strawberry Smoothies” for dessert (page 48).

  5. Start by naming some of your favorite songs and types of music. What do you like about music? Then read “Words of Warning” (pages 20–22) and discuss why some songs and types of music are bad for us to listen to. Sing or play a verse from each family member’s favorite hymn or Primary song. (If family members play musical instruments, they may wish to prepare a musical number in advance.) Notice the spirit that good music brings!
