Thankful for Luz Karina
March 2005

“Thankful for Luz Karina,” Friend, Mar. 2005, inside front cover

Thankful for Luz Karina

Every month I look forward to the day when the Liahona* is delivered to our home. When it arrives, my sisters and I each try to be the first to read it. We especially love The Friend. It contains the stories and testimonies of children from all over the world as well as the childhood stories of prophets and their testimonies.

One of my favorite stories was about Luz Karina Sánchez in the February 2001 issue. Luz Karina was born without arms. However, she can write, draw, turn the pages of a book, comb her hair, put on her clothes, and eat food by herself. She helps her cousins and is good at playing marbles, shooting a slingshot, and playing the harmonica. If I did not have arms, I would be discouraged and even angry with my parents. I think I would make my sisters do lots of things for me.

The story about Luz Karina has helped me a lot. She has a strong will that can overcome many challenges. Her thoughtful consideration and willingness to help people in need really impressed me. I am very thankful for Luz Karina. She helped me to learn the spirit of accepting challenges.

I feel unity and love when our family reads the scriptures and prays together. I know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ live when I see beautiful things in nature. I know the things I have learned about God in church and in the Liahona are true. I also know that all people are children of God.
Yang Yu Mi, age 11, Jeju Island, South Korea

  • The Liahona is a magazine published in 47 languages for Church members of all ages. In the center of each Liahona is a 16-page section for children called The Friend. This contains many of the same stories and activities you receive in the Friend each month.
