“Special Witness: Getting to Know Elder Richard G. Scott,” Friend, Apr. 2005, 31
Special Witness:
Getting to Know Elder Richard G. Scott
Adapted from “Elder Richard G. Scott: ‘The Real Power Comes from the Lord,’” Ensign, Jan. 1989, 6–11.

Photography by John Luke
To learn more about Elder Richard G. Scott of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, match the pictures above with the clues below.
Elder Scott was raised in this city.
As a young man, he didn’t get a summer job he applied for with the Utah Park Service. He traveled to Utah anyway, and he offered to do this chore in the kitchen for two weeks. He said, “If you don’t like my work, you don’t have to pay me.” By the end of the summer, he had become the number-two cook.
He had many other interesting jobs, including gathering these while sailing off the coast of New York.
He likes jazz music and knows how to play this instrument.
As a young man he was encouraged by his girlfriend, Jeanene Watkins, to serve a mission. After he served in Uruguay and she served in the northwestern United States, they were married here.
He likes science and became a nuclear engineer. During a job interview, the interviewer snapped at him for mentioning his mission. He defended his beliefs and was hired because he had shown enough confidence for the difficult job—helping to design this nuclear-powered vehicle.
He lived in this country for three years as a member of the Seventy.
In his free time, Elder Scott likes spending time in the outdoors watching these.
He also enjoys this hobby.
He loves to help them.