Sunrise Surprise
April 2005

“Sunrise Surprise,” Friend, Apr. 2005, 10

Sunrise Surprise

(Based on an experience from the author’s family)

Arise early, that your bodies and your minds may be invigorated (D&C 88:124).

“Wake up, everyone!” Dad called from the hallway. “We’ve overslept!” Mom pulled her robe around her and shuffled into the kitchen to make breakfast. As she opened the curtains, she frowned. “That’s funny,” she said. “The sun is coming up later than usual this morning. But what a beautiful sunrise!” She called everyone into the kitchen to see the bright orange ball coming up through the pink clouds. In spite of their hurry, everyone paused in wonder.

“Gorgeous,” Dad said.

“Wow!” Karen said.

“Awesome,” Julie said.

“Can we have pancakes?” Aaron said.

Mother pulled her attention back from the window to look at Aaron. “I’m not sure we have time for pancakes, but I’ll see what I can do.” She put the frying pan on the stove to heat and started mixing up the batter.

“I wonder why Nicky hasn’t called yet,” Karen wondered aloud. “She usually calls by now to see if I can walk to school with her.”

Dad straightened his tie. “I don’t know, honey, but I’m wondering where the bus is. It’s never been this late before.”

“Those pancakes sure smell good,” Aaron said. “I’ll set the table.”

Mother smiled. “That would be great. But shouldn’t you get dressed first?”

Julie hurried into the kitchen carrying her backpack. “I can’t be late. I have a test today.”

“Then you need a good breakfast,” Aaron pointed out as he put the plates on the table. “And maybe a song or two. And a story.”

Julie stared at him. “What are you talking about? We don’t have time to do all those things.”

“We do today,” Aaron said mysteriously. And he began to hum as he put the forks beside the plates.

Mom and Dad exchanged a puzzled look. “Do you know something we don’t know?” Dad asked Aaron.

Aaron smiled. “Somebody needs to change the calendar,” he said.

“So?” Karen flipped up the next month’s page on the wall calendar. April it said in big letters.

Mom laughed. “It’s April Fools’ Day!”*

“What have you done?” Karen asked.

“I set everyone’s clock ahead an hour.” Aaron beamed. “Now we all have time for a nice big breakfast, a song or two, and a story. Isn’t that a great trick?”

“You mean I could have slept for another hour?” Julie asked. She looked at Aaron, who wasn’t smiling anymore. Now he looked worried.

“You could have. But you would have missed that awesome sunrise,” Mom said.

“And this delicious breakfast,” Karen added.

Julie put down her backpack. “All right, Aaron, you win. I’ll pick out a song to play on the piano.” She patted him on the head before going to the living room.

“And I’ll get my flute.” Karen hurried to her bedroom.

“And I’ll pick out a story,” Dad said, opening his scriptures.

“Mom,” Aaron said softly. “I know you sometimes don’t like it when people play April Fools’ tricks. Are you mad at me?”

“Of course not.” Mom gave Aaron a hug. “What I don’t like is when tricks make other people feel bad. Your trick is great because it’s making us feel good by giving us time to be together. And that’s a wonderful way to start any morning, especially April Fools’ Day!”

  • In some parts of the world, people sometimes play tricks on each other on the first day of April.

  • Sheila Kindred is a member of the Ames Ward, Ames Iowa Stake.

Illustrated by Matt Smith
