undefined undefined We Should Choose the Right
We Should Choose the Right
June 2005

“We Should Choose the Right,” Friend, June 2005, 41

We Should Choose the Right

This summer my family went on vacation to California. On the way we stayed overnight at a motel with a swimming pool. We went swimming for a while, then got out. Later my two sisters and I decided we wanted to swim some more. We dressed in our swimming suits and went back to the pool. Near the pool we saw a sign that said the pool was closed. We talked about what we should do. I remembered what I had learned in Primary and told my two sisters, “We should choose the right.” We decided to obey the sign and not go swimming. The next morning after breakfast we went swimming again.

Michael G. Fisher, age 6, is a member of the Paul First Ward, Paul Idaho Stake.

Illustrated by Brad Teare