A Christlike Example
August 2005

“A Christlike Example,” Friend, Aug. 2005, 43

A Christlike Example

The elementary school in our area was having a program in the gymnasium for both parents and students. The students sat close together on the floor. The fifth graders were seated near the back of the room with students from the special education class who had physical and mental disabilities.

During the program, one of the older boys in that class began to cry loudly. Many in the room either ignored him or stared at him in embarrassment. Shanie Atwood, a fifth grader, leaned close to him and kindly began to rub his back. This calmed him, and soon he was quietly enjoying the program again.

Jesus would not have ignored the boy or given him unkind looks. He would have helped, and that is exactly what Shanie did. She was a Christlike example that day.

Shalayne (Shanie) Atwood, age 11, is a member of the Paradise Third Ward, Hyrum Utah Stake.
