A Blessing of Courage
September 2005

“A Blessing of Courage,” Friend, Sept. 2005, inside front cover

A Blessing of Courage

My doctor told me I have diabetes and that I would need to take shots of insulin before every meal. I was really sad because the disease would be with me the rest of my life. I asked my dad to give me a priesthood blessing. During the blessing he told me that I would have courage and be tough enough to take the injections. My mom and I went to the hospital to spend the night. I practiced using a needle to inject water into oranges because oranges are kind of like human skin. At dinnertime, the nurse asked me if I wanted to do my own injection. I said, “Yes, I will try.” I did it! The nurses were amazed that I was brave enough to do my own shot the first time. I have done all my own injections and blood sugar tests since the very first day. I know that my priesthood blessing helped me to be brave. I know that Heavenly Father will always be there to help me.
Christopher Hall, age 10,
Mountain Home, Idaho
