“Daniel and the Lions’ Den,” Friend, Oct. 2005, 16
Daniel and the Lions’ Den
Darius, the new king of Babylon, chose men to help him. He made Daniel their leader. The men did not want Daniel to be their leader. (See Dan. 6:1–5.)
The men knew Daniel prayed to God. They asked the king to make a new law saying that anyone found praying to God would be put in a den of lions. The king agreed. (See Dan. 6:4–7.)
Daniel knew about the law, but he still prayed. The men spied on Daniel. When they saw him praying, they told the king. (See Dan. 6:11–13.)
The king was sorry that he had made the law. He knew Daniel had to be punished. Before Daniel was taken to the lions’ den, the king told him that God would have to save him. (See Dan. 6:14–16.)
Early the next morning, King Darius hurried to the den. He called to Daniel. Then Daniel said, “My God hath sent his angel, and hath shut the lions’ mouths, that they have not hurt me.” King Darius decided that his people should worship Daniel’s God. (See Dan. 6:19–22, 25–27.)
Illustrated by Julie F. Young