undefined undefined A Prayer for Lou Jean
A Prayer for Lou Jean
October 2005

“A Prayer for Lou Jean,” Friend, Oct. 2005, 32–33

A Prayer for Lou Jean

Adapted from David Lawrence McKay, My Father, David O. McKay (1989), 51–52.

David O. McKay
Events in the life of David O. McKay

Illustrated by Mike Eagle

Even though Elder David O. McKay’s daughter Lou Jean was very ill, he had to travel out of state for a stake conference.

Elder McKay: I’ll be back as soon as I can.

Not long after he left, Elder McKay received a telegram saying that he needed to come home right away. When he stepped off the train at home, his father was there to greet him.

Elder McKay: Is Lou Jean still alive?

Father: Yes, but she’s worse than when you left.

A doctor and a nurse stayed at Elder McKay’s house all night. Other family members came to help for several days, but Lou Jean grew only worse.

On Sunday, Elder McKay sent his sons Lawrence and Llewelyn to church while he and his wife, Emma Ray, stayed home to care for Lou Jean.

Elder McKay: Son, will you ask the Sunday School president to have the Sunday School classes pray for Lou Jean today?

Son: Yes, Father.

Elder McKay’s son obeyed. He noticed that at 11:00 the requested prayer was given.

When Elder McKay’s sons returned home, they received good news.

Elder McKay: Well, boys, Lou Jean is going to be all right! At 11:00 this morning she finally relaxed and fell into a calm sleep.

Son: Father, that’s when the Sunday School prayed for her!

Elder McKay: Heavenly Father has rewarded the faithful prayers of many people who love us. We must show Him our gratitude.