Guide to the Friend
October 2005

“Guide to the Friend,” Friend, Oct. 2005, inside back cover

Guide to the Friend

The Guide to the Friend can help you find stories or articles for preparing lessons or talks for church or for family home evening. The Primary theme for October is “I follow Heavenly Father’s plan when I choose the right.”

Family Home Evening Ideas

Look for the FHE symbol on the [original magazine] pages mentioned below.

  1. Read with the family “A Letter to Grandma” (pages 4–6). Just as Aaron and his mom did, talk about and list the things the Savior did on the Sabbath while He was on earth. Beside each item on your list write something similar that you could do on Sunday.

  2. Have a family member practice and present the poem “Apostles” (page 7). Look at the picture of our current Apostles and see how many you can name. Ask for help if you need to. Write each one’s name by his picture and keep it nearby as you listen to general conference this month and do “Conference ABCs” (page 13).

  3. Tell the story of “Christiana’s Treasure” (pages 10–12). Ask your parents to talk about the first people in your family to join the Church. Maybe it was a great-grandfather. Maybe it was your parents. Share your testimonies with one another.

  4. Using the pictures, tell the story of Daniel (page 16). Make the lion in “Daniel, Lions, and Me” (page 17), and as you move the lion’s head, talk about how you might make each right choice listed on the lion’s mane.

  5. Invite a family member to read “Hero” (pages 40–42). Discuss what it means to be a real hero. Give each family member a bookmark containing My Gospel Standards (see pages 24–25). Go through the standards. Would a person with the strength and courage to live those standards be a hero? Resolve to be such a person.

6. Make “Blueberry Biscuits” (see page 43) for refreshments.
