Guide to the Friend
December 2005

“Guide to the Friend,” Friend, Dec. 2005, inside back cover

Guide to the Friend

The Guide to the Friend can help you find stories or articles for preparing lessons or talks for church or for family home evening. Look for the FHE symbol on the [original magazine] pages mentioned in the Family Home Evening Ideas. The Primary theme for December is “Heavenly Father’s plan brings us many blessings.”

Family Home Evening Ideas

  1. The First Presidency encourages us to celebrate the holidays through service. After reading their Christmas message (pp. 2–3), make the “Christmas Advent Wreath” (pp. 24–25, 35). As you follow the daily instructions, you’ll find opportunities to celebrate and serve.

  2. Read the poem “Welcome, Jesus” (p. 13). We can welcome the Savior into our lives by following His example. Have each family member write down ways they have tried to be like Jesus or things they will do to become more like Him. Place the papers in a gift bag and display it where everyone will be reminded to “welcome Jesus” this season.

  3. Find out how Vera makes new friends in “Nigerian Christmas” (pp. 32–34). Is there anyone you can reach out to this Christmas? Use the “Christmas Workshop” ideas (pp. 36–37) to make a gift for a new friend. You may want to invite him or her to come help you make other crafts this week.

  4. This month we also remember the birth of Joseph Smith. Review “Important Places in the Life of the Prophet Joseph Smith” (pp. 20–21). What important things did the Prophet do in each place? Discuss places in your own life and the important things that happened there (home, church, or school; where your parents were married; where you were born or baptized). What can you do to follow the Prophet’s example throughout your life? Learn the song “Truth Restored” (p. 7) and sing it together.

  5. Have someone tell in his or her own words the story “A Gift of Music” (pp. 38–39). Why was President David O. McKay’s gift to his son so meaningful? What are other special gifts that don’t cost as much? Read “Singing with Great-Grandma” (pp. 22–23) and discuss why time, love, and talents are some of the best gifts we can share.
