A Witness for Jesus Christ
December 2005

“A Witness for Jesus Christ,” Friend, Dec. 2005, 41

A Witness for Jesus Christ

David Evans, a Valiant 10 in our Primary, bravely stood as a witness for Jesus Christ and the Church as the prophet Alma said we should. David had been invited to a birthday party for a friend from school. When he got there, he was asked by his friend’s older and bigger cousins if he was a Mormon. It turned out that David was the only Latter-day Saint at the party. The cousins started to harass him. At first it was just verbal, but then they started shoving him around and kicking him. The adults at the party did nothing to stop them. David said a silent prayer. He felt he should confront his tormenters. So he told them they could try to beat him up if they wanted, but they couldn’t trash the Church of Jesus Christ. With that, the bullies quit and left him alone for the rest of the party.

David Evans, age 10, is a member of the Midvale Utah East Fourth Ward, Midvale Utah East Stake.
