Guide to the Friend
January 2006

“Guide to the Friend,” Friend, Jan. 2006, inside back cover

Guide to the Friend

The Guide to the Friend can help you find stories or articles for preparing lessons or talks for church or for family home evening. The Primary theme for January is “The promises of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ to us are recorded in the scriptures.”

Family Home Evening Ideas

Look for the FHE symbol on the [original magazine] pages mentioned below.

  1. Read President Gordon B. Hinckley’s message “Walk the High Road” (pp. 2–3). Have each family member draw a road map for his or her life, drawing or writing down important spiritual goals and what must be done to achieve them.

  2. Make the Kitchen Kraft recipes (p. 47) and enjoy an indoor picnic. As you eat, talk about your goals for the coming year. Then complete the activity “My Goals, 2006” (pp. 24–25). Set family goals or have each family member make his or her own goal time capsule.

  3. Read “Through the Window” (pp. 32–34). How is Elder Palmer able to help Jimmy and Dr. Gray? Read “Being Brave” (pp. 38–40). How does Rosella help Alan? Exercising faith and following the Spirit can place us in a position to bless others. Discuss how you can grow in faith and be prepared to serve someone.

  4. This year in your Primary classes, you will be studying the Old Testament. Use “Plastic Play Dough” (p. 19) to make sculptures representing your favorite Old Testament stories (for example, a lion for Daniel in the lions’ den). Guess what each person’s sculpture represents and look up the scripture references. Then play a game using “Old Testament Scripture Pictures” (p. 23). Take turns reading a scripture in the left column out loud while two other players try to be the first to point at the matching picture.

  5. Read “Tsunami Sacrifice” (p. 42) in the Trying to Be Like Jesus section. What can you do to help others facing emergencies? How can your family be prepared for emergencies? See www.providentliving.org for ideas.
