Guide to the Friend
March 2006

“Guide to the Friend,” Friend, Mar. 2006, inside back cover

Guide to the Friend

The Guide to the Friend can help you find stories or articles for preparing lessons or talks for church or for family home evening. The Primary theme for March is “Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ make promises to me through the prophets.”

Family Home Evening Ideas

Look for the FHE symbol on the [original magazine] pages mentioned below.

  1. Turn off the lights and compare being in a dark room to being afraid or discouraged. How does President James E. Faust tell us to receive light in our lives? Use a flashlight to read “Coming Out of Darkness” (pp. 2–3). With each suggestion on how to receive light from the Lord, turn on another flashlight or light a candle. Explain that we can have light, or the influence of the Holy Ghost, to brighten our days, encourage us, and give us guidance as we live the gospel.

  2. Make copies of “15 Prophets” (p. 7) for each family member or cooperate to complete the activity together. What do you know about some of these prophets? Read “My Very Own Prophet” (pp. 4–5). Take turns telling what you remember and love about the prophets who have led the Church in your lifetime.

  3. Show the poster “Take Some Backup” (pp. 24–25). Share your favorite scripture stories and explain how you can take strength from them wherever you go. Commit to read the scriptures daily all week and choose one good example to follow each day from what you have read.

  4. Read “Go Back to the House” (pp. 32–33). Have you ever followed a prompting from the Holy Ghost before you knew the reasons? What were the consequences? Decide, like Derek, to quickly obey whenever such promptings come.

  5. In “Ten-Dollar Hug” (pp. 46–47), Erin sacrifices a gift to show love for someone else. Are there small things you can sacrifice to show love for friends or family members? Has anyone done the same for you? Write each family member’s name on pieces of paper and have everyone draw a name. Then watch for ways to anonymously brighten that person’s week.
