“Grandma’s Trunk,” Friend, May 2006, 24–25
Grandma’s Trunk
Celebrate family history by playing this game with your family.
Remove pages 24–25 from the magazine and cut out the two trunks. Glue the trunks to two envelopes. Then cut out the game pieces and glue them to heavy paper. Spread out the game pieces faceup.
To play the game, you will need two teams and one reader. Each team has a trunk. The reader reads an entry from Grandma’s journal (listed below) that matches a game piece. A player from one team takes a turn and guesses which item the entry describes. If the player is correct, put that game piece in the team’s trunk. If the wrong piece is picked, it must be put back and the other team is given a chance to choose the correct piece, and then take the next turn. When all the pieces are gone, the team with the most pieces wins.
Note: You may wish to create your own game using entries from an ancestor’s journal and drawings or photos for game pieces.

Illustrated by Mark Thompson
It’s winter and I can’t go out to play. But Mother says she’ll help me make a rag doll!
I don’t like that George Bacon! Yesterday he dipped my braids in black ink, and today he pulled out my hair ribbon.
I plan to study the scriptures each night. I want to know for myself that the Book of Mormon is true.
Grandmother is teaching me to make bread. First we sift the flour, then we pour in water and yeast. We stir until our arms ache.
This evening George Bacon walked by my house, playing softly on his harmonica.
George came calling tonight. We had a lovely visit. After he left, I found his handkerchief in the corner of a chair. I wonder if he means for me to keep it.
Today I graduated from Brigham Young Academy. Mother gave me a rose to carry and Father gave me a fountain pen.
George and I are to be married tomorrow! Mother will let me borrow her beautiful gold pin to wear.
Father passed away this week. After the funeral Mother gave me Father’s silver pocket watch to remember him by.
Tonight Mother showed us Martha’s baby shoes. Martha became very ill on the way to America and died before reaching land. She’s my older sister.
We promised our three sons a treat if they helped with the chores all summer, so today George took them into town to buy a bag of penny marbles.
Tonight I looked at my parents’ wedding portrait. I have my father’s nose and my mother’s eyes. I pray I also have their faith and goodness.
Note: If you do not wish to remove pages from the magazine, this activity may be copied, traced, or printed from the Internet at www.lds.org. Click on Gospel Library.