Guide to the Friend
January 2007

“Guide to the Friend,” Friend, Jan. 2007, inside back cover

Guide to the Friend

The Guide to the Friend can help you find stories or articles for preparing lessons or talks for church or for family home evening. The Primary theme for January is “I have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.”

Family Home Evening Ideas

Look for the FHE symbol on the [original magazine] pages mentioned below.

  1. Look at the picture on page 3. Why do you think the boy looks nervous? What do you think is going to happen? This picture depicts President Thomas S. Monson when he was younger. Read the story to find out what happened. You can experience good outcomes when you face uncomfortable situations, never giving up. Discuss the questions in the box on page 2.

  2. Read “The Opposite of Fear” (pp. 18–19). What kinds of fears do you have? No matter what they are, you can find comfort in the Savior. Read Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin’s article on page 31 to find some inspiring thoughts on overcoming fear. As a family, memorize the last three sentences by chanting them together. Repeat these words to yourself whenever you feel afraid.

  3. Tell the story “Working on a Farm” (pp. 10–11). President Spencer W. Kimball worked hard as a child, and as an Apostle he was prepared to help people with everyday chores. How can we follow the example of President Kimball? You might set a goal to do chores more cheerfully this week or help with a job when it isn’t your turn. Performing your duties with a smile now can prepare you to enjoy a life of service as a follower of Christ.

  4. If family members have lived in other parts of the world, invite them to share what they encountered through pictures, stories, and food. (For European recipes, see page 27.) If no one has visited another country, take some time to learn about another place and present what you find. Color a copy of page 41 to remind you that we are all children of God, no matter where we live.

  5. Read “Snowflakes for Sam” (p. 34). Sometimes we cannot help people in the way we would like. Jackie could not really make it snow. But if we pray and try to be creative, we can find simple ways to comfort others. As a family make “Snowflake Art” (p. 35). Give your snowflake to another family member and keep the one given to you to help you remember that you are loved.

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Manuscript Submissions

The Friend welcomes unsolicited manuscripts but is not responsible for them. Rejected manuscripts will not be returned unless a stamped, addressed envelope is enclosed. Send manuscripts to Friend Editorial, 50 E. North Temple St. Rm. 2420, Salt Lake City, Utah 84150-3220, United States of America. Send e-mail to friend@ldschurch.org.

Send children’s submissions to Friend Editorial, 50 E. North Temple St. Rm. 2420, Salt Lake City, Utah 84150-3220, United States of America, in care of the appropriate department—Our Creative Friends, Friends in the News, Friends by Mail, Trying to Be Like Jesus. Submissions will not be returned. If a photo is submitted, a written statement by a parent or legal guardian granting permission to publish the child’s photo must be included. Submissions will not be returned.
