Sacrament Time
May 2007

“Sacrament Time,” Friend, May 2007, 24–25

Sacrament Time

Read the descriptions of the people who help make sacrament time reverent.
Can you point to the pictures that match each person’s description?
Do you know the names of the people in your ward or branch who do these things?

Sacrament Time
Sacrament Time
Sacrament Time

Illustrations by Elise Black
On a separate piece of white paper, draw a picture of yourself sitting reverently during sacrament meeting. Then carefully cut it out and glue it in this space.

I am the music director. I lead us as we sing the sacrament hymn. The sacred music helps everyone in the chapel think about Jesus.

I am the organist or pianist. I practice very hard so that I can play the sacrament hymn well.

I am a teacher in the Aaronic Priesthood. I come early to put water in the sacrament cups and bread on the trays.

I am a priest in the Aaronic Priesthood. I break the bread into pieces, and I kneel and say the sacrament prayer.

I am a deacon in the Aaronic Priesthood. After the sacrament prayer, I reverently take a sacrament tray to pass to Church members in the congregation.

I am the bishop. When the priest offers the sacrament prayers, I listen carefully to make sure that the prayers are said correctly.

One other person makes sacrament time special. Can you guess? That’s right—it’s you! You can sit reverently with quiet feet and folded arms. You can think about Jesus and the covenants you have made, or will make, at baptism. You may want to read scriptures or the words of the hymns. When the sacrament is passed to you, you can take it and pass the tray carefully to the next person. You are a very important part of sacrament time.
