Standing Strong
June 2007

“Standing Strong,” Friend, June 2007, 29

Standing Strong

I was at a friend’s birthday party with about 10 other girls. We had lots of fun. We sang karaoke, played games, made crafts, and opened presents. After the pizza and birthday cake we decided to watch a movie. I asked my friend what it was rated. She said PG-13. I let her know that I couldn’t watch it and suggested another movie. She said, “Come on, your mom is not going to know you watched it. I really want to see it.” The others agreed with her.

I felt uncomfortable because I didn’t want to ruin her party. But I knew that I wasn’t going to watch it. I said, “OK, you watch it, and I’ll watch another movie on the other TV.”

She thought about it and said, “Let’s just all watch your movie. It will be good too.”

I know that it’s important to stay strong and faithful to Church standards. If you do, you will be blessed. The Holy Ghost will be with you. In a family home evening I learned that I need to make choices before I am actually faced with the decision. It makes it easier to stand strong for your standards. I am thankful for friends who respected me for my choice. I know that Heavenly Father gives us commandments so that we can be happy.

Megan P., age 11, Pennsylvania
