Who Is My Neighbor?
August 2007

“Who Is My Neighbor?” Friend, Aug. 2007, 42–43

Who Is My Neighbor?

(Based on a true story)

Let thine hand help me (Psalm 119:173).

Jaymee was bored. There was nothing to do … nothing fun, anyway. She looked at her coloring book and crayons.

“I’m tired of coloring,” she thought.

Jaymee looked at her dolls with their colorful dresses, shoes, and purses.

“I’m tired of playing with my dolls,” she thought.

She looked at the books and magazines on her shelf.

“I’m tired of reading,” she thought.

Jaymee walked into the family room and looked at the television.

“I’m tired of movies and TV shows,” she thought.

Jaymee wandered around the house and found her mother in the kitchen washing dishes.

“Mom, I’m bored,” she said. “What can I do?”

“I can’t think of anything for you to do right now, Jaymee,” Mom said, squeezing a sponge into the hot, soapy water.

Jaymee found her brother Matthew in his bedroom. Toys, books, and clothes were scattered on the floor.

“Do you want to play, Matthew?” she asked.

“I have to clean my room right now,” he said. He picked up a truck and dropped it in the toy box.

Jaymee went outside. Mrs. Johnson was weeding her garden. She wiped her brow with a small towel, bent down, and pulled another weed. Jaymee didn’t even ask Mrs. Johnson if she wanted to play.

No, there was nothing to do. Nothing at all.

Jaymee sat down on the front porch. She started to think about what her Primary teacher had taught them. Jesus Christ had helped people, and He talked about how important it was to be a good neighbor. Jaymee smiled. She wanted to be like Jesus. She got up and hurried back into the house.

“Mom, can I help you?” she asked.

“Yes, Jaymee.” Mom handed Jaymee a dishcloth. “It would be a big help if you dried the dishes.”

When the dishes were done, Jaymee went to Matthew’s room.

“Matthew, can I help you clean your room?” she asked.

He looked surprised and said, “Yes.”

She picked up clothes, blocks, trucks, and books. At last they were done.

“Thanks, Jaymee,” Matthew said.

Jaymee went outside and saw Mrs. Johnson still weeding the garden. Jaymee went back into the house, poured a glass of cold lemonade, and took it to Mrs. Johnson.

“What a thoughtful thing to do,” Mrs. Johnson said. “Weeding makes me so hot and thirsty.” She finished the lemonade. “You are such a wonderful neighbor, Jaymee,” she said.

Jaymee smiled, and then they finished weeding the garden together.

Illustrations by Maren Scott
