“I Can Pray for Others,” Friend, Sept. 2007, 32
I Can Pray for Others
Heavenly Father hears your prayers. He understands the feelings of love and concern you have for others. When you ask Heavenly Father to bless those who are suffering, remember that He knows best how to answer your prayers. After you read the captions and look at the pictures about praying for others, draw someone you would like to pray for on the blank square and fill in the blank.
Jesus said, “Pray always” (D&C 10:5).
I can pray for those who are sick.
I can pray for those who suffer from bad storms or an earthquake.
I can pray for my family.
I can pray for ___________________.
I can pray for those who are hungry.
I can pray for those who suffer from war.
I can pray for those who are seeking the gospel.
Heavenly Father hears my prayers for others.
Illustrations by Val Chadwick Bagley