“I Will Only Listen to Music that Is Pleasing to Heavenly Father,” Friend, Sept. 2007, 36
I Will Only Listen to Music that Is Pleasing to Heavenly Father*
Dallin O., Lee H., and Kevin W. live in Tennessee, a place known for music. And they already know a lot about notes, chords, and harmony. Dallin sings with a group at his school. Lee is learning to play the guitar. And Kevin recently sang at a baptism and is learning to play the piano. They know that it’s easy to get nervous when you perform, that it’s hard to stretch to reach the right string or hit the right key, and that to become really good you have to practice.
They practiced a lot for their Primary sacrament meeting program. They were especially excited when the organ played “The Priesthood Is Restored” while all of the children sang.
But the most important thing Dallin, Lee, and Kevin know about music is a statement from My Gospel Standards: “I will only listen to music that is pleasing to Heavenly Father.”
“Music can make you feel happy or sad, depending on the kind of music that is played,” Dallin says. Lee says, “Primary songs make me feel closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus.” And Kevin says, “The words are really important. You have to look at the words first to know if it’s a good song.” They all agree that the best music is music that makes you feel reverent and happy.
Dallin O., Lee H., and Kevin W., all age 7, Tennessee