Guide to the Friend
March 2008

“Guide to the Friend,” Friend, Mar. 2008, inside back cover

Guide to the Friend

The Guide to the Friend can help you find stories or articles for preparing lessons or talks for church or for family home evening. The Primary theme for March is “Jesus Christ is my Savior.”

Family Home Evening Ideas

Look for the FHE symbol on the pages mentioned below.

  1. Read President Henry B. Eyring’s message, “Helping the Lambs” (pp. 2–3). As a family, role-play situations in which another’s faith can be nourished. Then look up “Jesus Christ, Good Shepherd” in the Bible Dictionary and read some of the scriptures listed. What can you do to help the Lord’s lambs into His fold?

  2. Display an empty jar and read “The Big Jar” (pp. 20–22). Give your family members pieces of paper, and ask them to write down one nice thing they saw another family member do that day. Put the papers in the jar. During the week, invite your family to add to the jar with kind acts they witness. On Sunday, read all the papers to see how your family members have “filled each other up” with kindness.

  3. On separate pieces of paper, write the questions from pages 24–25 about the sacrament. Sit in a circle with your family. Have someone read a question, and have the person to the right answer it. Other family members can help if the person doesn’t know the answer. Also refer to the answers in the Friend. Continue around the circle. Read the scriptures listed, and encourage each other to think about what you’ve learned when you take the sacrament on Sunday.

  4. The restoration of Christ’s Church on earth began with Joseph Smith’s simple prayer. Color and cut out the figures on page 48, and use them to tell the story of the First Vision (pp. 38–39). Then read Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin’s thoughts on prayer (p. 45).

  5. As a family, make your own Trying to Be Like Jesus page (pp. 40–41). Have each family member think of a way he or she has tried to be like Jesus Christ recently. Write all the experiences on a large piece of paper, and sign your names under them. Add your photos or illustrations if you’d like.
