Let’s Plant a Garden
May 2008

“Let’s Plant a Garden,” Friend, May 2008, 36

Let’s Plant a Garden

planting a garden actions

Illustrations by Val C. Bagley

Today, let’s plant a garden!

(Make a digging motion with your hands.)

Come, let’s get the seeds.

(Put one hand palm up and pretend to pick up seeds with the other hand.)

Push them in the dark earth.

(Take each seed from palm-up hand and poke it in the ground.)

Pull out all the weeds.

(With hand pull up weeds from the ground.)

Look, the seeds are sprouting.

(Point to the floor. Place hand behind horizontal arm and move straight fingers up.)

Green leaves in a row.

(Hold hands and fingers straight up with thumbs next to each other to form a row.)

The Lord sends sun and water.

(Form a circle with arms and hands. Then make a sprinkling motion with wriggling fingers.)

Watch our garden grow!

(Put hand behind horizontal arm and move straight fingers up.)
