Our Creative Friends
May 2008

“Our Creative Friends,” Friend, May 2008, 38–39

Our Creative Friends


Father, Father

Hear my plea.

I plead for forgiveness.

I plead for Your forgiveness.

I just plead for that one thing. Please, Father.

It will feel good. It will. It will.

Thank You for forgiveness.

Thank You.

Jacob H., age 9, Washington


It is a family,

It is a friend,

It is a brother and sister,

But most important, it is me and you together forever.

Kryschell S., age 10, Utah

For Lindsay

My big sister, soft and dear,

I am so glad that we are here

Sitting together just us two,

You loving me and me loving you.

Lauren A., age 8, Kentucky

Death Is Life

Death is not the end.

Death is the beginning of a new life.

So do not fear death.

Your friends and family will be waiting for you,

And so will your Savior, Jesus Christ, and God Himself.

For you are His child: do not fear.

Just lift up your head and say,

“Hello, Father.”

Aaron S., age 10, Arizona

I’m Coming!

I’m coming to you, Father.

I’ll try my whole life through

To stay on the directed path.

I’ll try to get to You.

I will try to get back home.

I will try to live life right.

I will try to do the best I can.

I will stay clean in Thy sight.

I will try to pass my trials,

Even though it may cost.

I know that if I do my best,

Thy Spirit won’t be lost.

The trials that I face,

The steps that I must take,

Everything that I must do,

The sacrifice I’ll make—

I will do it very willingly,

If it helps me get to Thee.

For I know that Thou art waiting—

That is my reward to be.

Jaide Tai-Anne P., age 11, Idaho


1 Julianne B., age 10, Utah

2 Steven N., age 7, New Hampshire

3 Rudy W., age 6, Nevada

4 Wesley H., age 8, Idaho

5 Sierra Marie J., age 7, Montana

6 Hunter J., age 3, Queensland, Australia

7 Kurtis D., age 6, Minnesota

8 Chason H., age 5, Nevada

9 Mallory M., age 7, Texas

10 Leif H., age 6, Washington

11 Allyson G., age 4, Washington

12 Rebecca Z., age 9, Alberta, Canada

13 Daniel L., age 11, Colorado

14 Kelsey C., age 11, Utah

15 Shaunessy R., age 7, Texas
