Friends in the News
June 2008

“Friends in the News,” Friend, June 2008, 46–47

Friends in the News

Lindsey S., 8, California, is spunky and social. She works hard in school and likes to dance, do gymnastics, and play soccer. She reads the scriptures daily and has memorized the Articles of Faith.

Cole R., 7, Arizona, enjoys memorizing the Articles of Faith. He also likes swimming and watching movies about outer space.

Olivia Julene R., 6, Kentucky, is a talented artist and enjoys reading, baking sugar cookies, and snuggling. Some of her favorite things are shiny rocks, animals, and babies. She likes singing in Primary and making people feel loved.

Timmy R., 11, Alaska, has four brothers and three sisters. He enjoys playing basketball and has caught many king salmon. He is learning to play hymns on the organ.


Benjamin, Bryant, Katharine, and Andrew V.; Julia, Nathan, and David J.; Stephen, Callison, and Bensen J.; and Brigham and Brooklyn T. are all cousins. They gathered from their homes in Oklahoma, Tennessee, Utah, and Arizona for a family reunion. Together they went to the Mormon Battalion Visitors’ Center in California.

Mitchell F., 6, Wyoming, likes to read the Book of Mormon with his family every night. He enjoys going to school, learning about science, playing with his friends and younger siblings, and riding his bike.

Sanford Ward

The Sanford Ward, Fayetteville North Carolina West Stake, held an activity called “Getting to Know Your Friend.” The Primary children rotated through six stations where they did activities from that month’s Friend, including Kitchen Krafts, Come Listen to a Prophet’s Voice, Funstuf, Our Creative Friends, and some of the stories. They love the Friend and the wonderful and fun things to learn and do.

Matthew and Nicole C., 7 and 8, Washington, are brother and sister. Matthew helps his mom make dinner and wash dishes. He helps his dad fix things around the house. He is excited about getting baptized after his next birthday. Nicole likes to draw pictures and make lists. She is a good example to her classmates and family because she is kind to those around her and smiles often.

Zach, Hannah, and Jenna R., 10, 8, and 5, Utah, enjoy spending time together. Jenna likes going to kindergarten and playing with friends. Her favorite Primary song is “A Child’s Prayer.” Hannah is a big helper to her family. She enjoys playing with her brother and sisters. She likes to teach tricks to her dog, Copper. Zach likes spending time with his father, especially playing football. He is looking forward to being ordained to the priesthood.

Sophia, Rachel-Rose, and Aslan H., 6, 5, and 2, New Zealand, like to dance and dress up. They enjoy Primary and nursery and have fun when they get together with their cousins. They like to do a family service project every month, which they call “servicing others.”

Staci H., 9, Arizona, likes to write in her journal, go to Primary, and bake with her mom. She dances, plays the piano, and does gymnastics. She has two older sisters.

Austin B., 10, Utah, enjoys reading and sports—especially BYU sports. He is a great older brother to Samuel, Annie, and Clara. He reads his scriptures each day. His family loves him very much.

Emily B., 5, California, is a sharp, busy girl. She has two older brothers and an older sister. Her family has a dog, Sunshine. Emily enjoys learning at school, Primary, and the swimming pool. She follows her siblings’ good example of choosing the right.

Philomath Ward

The Primary children of the Philomath Ward, Corvallis Oregon Stake, have worked hard memorizing the Articles of Faith. For each one they memorized, a footprint was put on the wall of their Primary room. With over 320 footprints, they have gone around the entire room and are heading around again.

Kamree Jo W., 6, Idaho, is very good at making friends. She likes church and has a strong testimony. She helps her mom and enjoys playing with her sister, Aubree, and brother, Kelton. She likes climbing things, trying new things, and sports.

Corey B., 10, Washington, is involved in Webelos Scouts. He likes to play soccer and basketball. He also likes school and does very well. He has four sisters and tries to help them all he can.

Reuben and Jayden P., 1 and 5, Queensland, Australia, share a wonderful sense of humor. Jayden likes jumping on the trampoline with his dad and Aunty Zara. He is a proud big brother. Reuben loves being with his family.
