Friends in the News
August 2008

“Friends in the News,” Friend, Aug. 2008, 36–37

Friends in the News

Amanda Barbara and Jamie Rebekah W., 12 and 8, California, are sisters. Amanda has almost earned the Faith in God Award. She often invites people to church and is happy to share the gospel. She likes inventing games for her and Jamie to play. She forgives quickly and is a good sister. Jamie likes sharing her testimony and showing kindness to animals. She enjoys jumping rope, skating, swimming, and playing with Amanda. She shares the gospel through her example and kindness to others.

Santaquin Third Ward

The Primary of the Santaquin Third Ward, Santaquin Utah Stake, took part in “B.O.O.T. camp”—meaning “Build Our Own Testimonies” camp. They did service and learned about physical and spiritual endurance. They all passed with flying colors.

Asha and Luke L., 3 and 5, Utah, enjoy family home evening. Luke likes to draw and Asha enjoys doing jigsaw puzzles. They are best friends.

Wapello Second Ward

Primary children of the Wapello Second Ward, Blackfoot Idaho Stake, decorated ties for their fathers. The leaders bought the ties from Deseret Industries, and the children gave the ties their own personal touch—bells, pipe cleaners, pom-poms, feathers, and faces. The dads loved the ties.

Colly Creek Ward

The Colly Creek Ward, Topeka Kansas Stake, challenged the Primary children to bring their scriptures every Sunday. They placed an anchor on the bulletin board and started making a paper chain connected to the anchor. The name of each child who brought his or her scriptures was written on a paper link every Sunday. Soon the chain grew to reach the back of the Primary room! This activity reminded the Primary to be “anchored” in the scriptures.

Rachel B., 8, Arizona, is the youngest of seven children. She likes spending time with her nieces and nephews, playing the piano, and playing basketball and soccer. She says, “I’m glad I was baptized because I love Heavenly Father, and I know He loves me too!”

Joshua V., 5, New Zealand, likes riding his bike, playing with blocks, and making arts and crafts. He also likes to sing in Primary and race his toy cars.

Ashley C., 7, Arizona, likes to dance, sing, listen to music, and read books. Her favorite scripture story is about Samuel the Lamanite. She enjoys playing soccer too.

Nathan W., 9, Connecticut, enjoys singing Primary songs and has sung solos in sacrament meeting. He likes baseball, golf, and Cub Scouts. He loves his mom, dad, two older sisters, and his pet dog.

Brianna M., 7, Pennsylvania, loves the gospel. Ever since she was one year old, she has enjoyed going to church. She also likes playing with her brother, Brian, and singing. She looks forward to family home evening each week.

Dallin C., 4, Washington, has a great imagination. He has one older brother and is a great friend. He likes to sing and knows the words to many Primary songs. He enjoys swimming and playing computer games. His favorite food is noodles.

Zachary, Cole, Ashley, Calvin, and Claire K., 6, 9, 9, 1, and 6, Idaho, are cousins. They visited Salt Lake City and toured the Church sites. This picture was taken from inside the Joseph Smith Memorial Building, overlooking the Salt Lake Temple.

Jackson A., 4, Utah, loves the Book of Mormon. For his birthday party, he had a Book of Mormon party and dressed as Nephi.

Zachary Ward

The children of the Zachary Ward Primary, Denham Springs Louisiana Stake, learned about patriotism. They visited the veterans’ home to express gratitude to men and women who had served their country. Then the children sang fun songs to the veterans and presented them with a flag.

Harrison and Isabella H., 6 and 7, Western Australia, Australia, both like playing cricket. Isabella also likes drawing, painting, and swimming. She likes to go to school to learn, and her favorite subject is maths. She was excited for her baptism to be on her birthday. Harrison likes to play soccer with his mates and go snorkeling at the beach. He also enjoys singing in Primary.

Baylee F., 5, North Carolina, is the youngest of three children. She likes to play with her dolls, draw, and go fishing. She is excited to start elementary school and ride the bus. Her favorite Primary song is “My Heavenly Father Loves Me.”
