Guide to the Friend
August 2008

“Guide to the Friend,” Friend, Aug. 2008, inside back cover

Guide to the Friend

The Guide to the Friend can help you find stories or articles for preparing lessons or talks for church or for family home evening. The Primary theme for August is “I will show my faith in Jesus Christ by being baptized and confirmed.”

Family Home Evening Ideas

Look for the FHE symbol on the pages mentioned below.

  1. Learn a few words from another language. (You can use “Children All Over the World,” Children’s Songbook, 16–17.) Is it hard or easy to pronounce the words? Try memorizing them. Read “The Most Powerful Motivating Force” (pp. 2–3). Discuss the questions on page 2. Then invite each person to share his or her testimony of Jesus Christ and the gospel.

  2. Start family home evening by singing a Primary song about baptism. (See Children’s Songbook, p. 306, for some ideas.) Read and discuss the poster on pages 24–25. When you are finished, draw pictures of things you can do to prepare to be baptized or, for those who are already baptized, things you can do to keep your baptismal covenants.

  3. Blindfold someone in the middle of the room. Hide a copy of the scriptures somewhere in the room. Have the blindfolded person search for the scriptures, but don’t give him or her any hints or directions. Explain that it’s hard to find something when you can’t see or don’t know where it is. Then give directions to help the blindfolded person find the scriptures. Read “Stay, Annie” (pp. 28–30), and talk about why it is important to listen to and obey those who know more, have experienced more, or are in tune with the Holy Ghost. Make a list of some of the people you can trust.

  4. Write down key words from Elder Oaks’s Special Witness (p. 31) and place them in a bowl. Take turns drawing words from the bowl and acting them out. When the word is guessed, read the sentence that it came from and talk more about how what you read can spiritually protect you. Set a goal as a family to do better at one or more of these things. Write your goal on a piece of paper or someplace where everyone can see it and remember it.
