Something Is Outside My Window
September 2008

“Something Is Outside My Window,” Friend, Sept. 2008, 28–29

Something Is Outside My Window

And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive (Matthew 21:22).

1. One winter night Alaura awoke from a bad dream.

2. She looked out the window that was next to her bed. Something was moving back and forth, scratching the window. She was scared and began to cry.

3. Her dad heard her crying. He came and knelt beside her bed. “I had a bad dream, and there’s something scary scratching my window,” Alaura said.

4. “What you are hearing is only tree branches swaying in the wind,” Dad said. “There is nothing scary.” Alaura was still afraid and couldn’t stop crying.

5. “Heavenly Father is watching over you. Why don’t you say a prayer asking Him for help?” Dad said.

6. Alaura knelt beside her bed and prayed to Heavenly Father. She told Him how frightened she was. Then she asked Him to help her not be afraid anymore.

7. She felt a very calm feeling. Through the power of the Holy Ghost, Heavenly Father had made her feel safe. She knew He was watching over her. Alaura got back in bed. Dad tucked her in, and she went to sleep.

Illustrations by Elise Black
