Guide to the Friend
March 2009

“Guide to the Friend,” Friend, Mar. 2009, inside back cover

Guide to the Friend

Family Home Evening Ideas

  1. Read “The True Church” (pp. 2–3), and talk about how President Eyring gained his testimony. Ask family members to talk about what things they have done or seen in their lives that have helped their testimonies grow. Give family members an opportunity to share their testimonies.

  2. Read “Standing Up for Caleb” (pp. 4–5). Ask family members to stand up each time something unkind is said about Caleb. After the story is read, talk about how when unkind things are said about others, we should pray for the courage to stand up for them. Talk about ways you can help people you know who are sometimes picked on.

  3. Talk about what it means to keep the Sabbath day holy. Then read “Sunday Stations” (pp. 18–21). Talk to family members about what kinds of Sunday stations you could have in your home to help keep the Sabbath day holy. Make a plan to do these stations on an upcoming Sunday.

  4. Do the “My Family” activity (pp. 24–25). After each person has said something special about himself or herself, give other family members an opportunity to say something nice about that family member as well.

  5. Read “Emergency Day Drill” (pp. 28–30). Talk about why it was good that Cassidy’s family was prepared for an emergency. Then make a list of emergency items that would be good for your family to have. If your family already has emergency supplies, look through them to make sure everything works and nothing is expired.
