In the House of the Lord
March 2009

“In the House of the Lord,” Friend, Mar. 2009, 46

In the House of the Lord

He shall build the temple of the Lord (Zechariah 6:12).

Chris shuffled his feet a little to hear the brush, brush sound they made in the blue paper booties covering his shoes. He was standing in line with his family, waiting to go into the San Diego California Temple for the open house.

Dad bent down and put a hand on Chris’s shoulder. “Temple open houses are very special,” he said. “I remember when I went to the Provo Utah Temple open house. I had watched the workers building it from just an empty field up to a finished temple. When we were inside, I knew it was Heavenly Father’s house. I was a little bit older than you are, but you’ll remember this your whole life, just like I did.”

Mom turned toward them. “That’s right. I remember when I went to the Seattle Washington Temple open house a long time ago. That’s why we drove all the way here. Getting to tour a temple before it’s dedicated is a very special opportunity.”

Chris thought about their long drive through the desert to get to San Diego. There had been nothing interesting to look at out the windows, and his little sister cried most of the way. Even his older sister got a little bit tired of all the driving. But since they had come so far, he knew it was important.

Chris folded his arms and walked as quietly as he could in his blue paper shoes through the temple tour. He couldn’t remember ever being somewhere so beautiful. The carpet was white. The windows were tall. The pictures on the walls were beautiful. It felt more reverent than any place he had been before.

As they walked up the stairs, Chris held tightly to the handrail. He was smiling brightly.

Mom whispered to him, “How do you feel?”

Chris looked up at her and Dad. “I feel like I’m holding the iron rod.”

The San Diego California Temple was dedicated in April 1993.

Illustration by Rachel Hoffman-Bayles/San Diego Temple © 1993 Quentin Gardner
