The Best of Friends
April 2009

“The Best of Friends,” Friend, Apr. 2009, 18–20

Making Friends

The Best of Friends

Children all over the world love their family and friends—just like you! This month let’s meet Cameron and Mia Harper of Blackfoot, Idaho.

Cameron (10) and Mia (7) live in the countryside of the wide Snake River Valley, surrounded by distant, beautiful mountains. Their house sits next to railroad tracks, and across the road is an alfalfa field where they like to hit golf balls.

Cameron and Mia are very different from each other. Cameron likes to draw trains, build things, and figure out how things work. Mia likes to play any sport from basketball, volleyball, and golf to gymnastics, soccer, and snowboarding.

But this brother and sister also have much in common. They both like to eat raw rhubarb with salt. Rhubarb is a sour red vegetable that looks like celery. They both also want to be train engineers when they grow up, and they both live the gospel by trying to be kind and caring every day.

Kindness Begins with Mia

Mia received an award at school for being caring. She brightens everyone’s day with her smile, and she is ready to help people in need. “I helped a boy in my class pick up the stuff that fell out of his school box once,” Mia says. She even writes friends thank-you notes for being her friend.

Hard Work Pays Off

Cameron puts a lot of effort into the things he does. He had a big math test at school, and he wanted to do well. Before the test he studied and practiced hard. During the test he took his time, and he was the last one to finish. Because he worked hard and did his best, he succeeded. But even when things don’t work out, he doesn’t worry about them because he has tried his hardest.

Cameron is often there when his dad fixes or makes things. He asks questions and helps because he wants to know how things work.

Best Friends Are Family

Cameron and Mia love their family.

“If you didn’t have a family,” Mia says, “you’d be all alone.” Mia keeps her family happy with her active personality and her giving nature.

“Mia’s a good helper,” her mom says. “If you ask her to help you, she will—without complaining. She likes to do nice things for people.”

Cameron is the kind of friend you want to have. He doesn’t make other people feel bad. He doesn’t put others down or say bad things about anybody.

“He is very easygoing,” his mom says. “He doesn’t fight back when he’s teased, and he doesn’t always have to win.”

Cameron and Mia enjoy playing games with their family. They like reading the scriptures, praying, and having family home evening together too. Both show their love for the family’s three cats—Sneaker, Scavenger, and Spot. They help to feed them and hold and pet them.

A Friend When You Need One

Mia and Cameron are the youngest of seven children, and they get excited when their older brothers and sisters come to visit. Mom and Dad are very supportive of their children. They encourage their talents and teach them by example that they can accomplish anything if they will work hard. The Harpers love having a big family. When they need help or want someone to play with, they just ask each other.

Favorite Things

  • Mia

  • Color: yellow

  • Animal: bunny

  • Part of Primary: learning new songs

  • Primary Song: “I Am a Child of God”

  • Part of School: making projects

Favorite Things

  • Cameron

  • Color: green

  • Animal: cat

  • Part of Primary: Sharing Time

  • Game: pickup sticks

  • Primary Song: “I Know My Father Lives”

  • Part of School: art

Where in the World Is Blackfoot, Idaho?

map of Idaho

Photographs by Lena Harper
