TV Truth
April 2009

“TV Truth,” Friend, Apr. 2009, 46

TV Truth

Hallie W., age 6, Pennsylvania, with help from her mom

One night, my family went over to our friends’ house. My brothers and I were playing with their kids, and we went into the TV room and started watching a show. When my mom came to check on us, she told us she didn’t want us to watch that show, so we shouldn’t go into the TV room again. Then she left. But I went into the TV room anyway and watched the show.

That night, my mom asked if I went back into the TV room. I told her that I didn’t. The next morning I felt so terrible that I started crying. I went to my mom and said, “I lied! I’m really sorry!” She gave me a hug and thanked me for telling the truth. But I still didn’t feel good. I went into my room and knelt down and prayed. I told Heavenly Father I was sorry for disobeying my mom and lying to her, and that I didn’t like the feeling I was having. When I finished praying, the terrible feeling was gone. I felt happy again.
