undefined undefined Jesus Christ Is Baptized
Jesus Christ Is Baptized
July 2009

“Jesus Christ Is Baptized,” Friend, July 2009, 32

Jesus Christ Is Baptized

Jesus Christ Is Baptized

Illustrations by Brad Teare / John the Baptist Baptizing Jesus © Greg K. Olsen — do not copy

John the Baptist lived in the desert for many years. He wore clothing made of the hair of a camel, and he ate honey and locusts. People came from the city of Jerusalem to hear John the Baptist teach about Jesus. One day when John the Baptist was baptizing people in the Jordan River, Jesus came to him. Jesus asked John the Baptist to baptize Him. John the Baptist knew that Jesus already obeyed all of the commandments. He thought Jesus didn’t need to be baptized. But Heavenly Father had commanded everyone to be baptized, so Jesus told John the Baptist to baptize Him. When Jesus came up out of the water, the Holy Ghost came upon Him like a dove. Heavenly Father spoke from heaven. He said, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” John the Baptist also testified that Jesus was the Son of God.