Our Creative Friends
October 2009

“Our Creative Friends,” Friend, Oct. 2009, 32–33

Our Creative Friends

Taylor’s Testimony Song

I believe in God

The Eternal Father.

He will teach me, He will guide me, I will follow.

He will teach me the commandments.

He saves us, He leads us, He guides us, He reminds us.

I believe in Jesus Christ

The Eternal Savior.

He knows the truth.

He wants us to know the truth.

He guides us when we don’t know where to go.

I will follow where He tells me to go.

Taylor D., age 5, California

My Little Friends and Me, the Tree

I am a tree in the fall—

A variety of colors, orange, red, yellow, brown—

Tall compared to the small little bushes.

I almost always whisper talking in this manner;

I sometimes get loud

When my little friends are being put under pressure

By the wind,

Digging my roots into the ground,

Making a firm foundation.

I dance with the wind,

My little friends playing the peaceful music,

Whispering the move I should make and I follow.

I start to feel sad

As I lose my little friends that stayed with me

All year long until the fall came.

I am also happy

For a new chance to stand out and make new friends

That will stay until next fall.

Morgan H., age 11, Colorado

Tim’s Choice

When Tim was walking home from school,

Way down upon the ground

He saw a most curious sight:

A wallet, leather-bound.

He picked it up and saw within,

A neatly printed name.

Below it was the address.

Tim thought, “I’ll return it and won’t be blamed.”

But as he journeyed to the house

He saw an ice-cream stand.

Tim was so sorely tempted,

That he bought a five-scoop grand!

However, in his mouth

The ice cream tasted bitter.

For he knew if his mom could see him

She would do much more than titter.

Tim stared down at the wallet of brown

And knew what he must do.

He rushed off to its owner’s house,

Good lady, Mrs. Sue.

He told her everything he’d done

And promised to repay

All of her money that he’d used

On his ice cream that day.

Adrienne H., age 10, Germany

1. Elijah W., age 7, England

2. Alyssa A., age 10, Manitoba, Canada

3. Jacqueline R., age 11, Colorado

4. Drew C., age 11, Nevada

5. Michael L., age 7, Illinois

6. Nathan W., age 7, California

7. Kaycee C., age 7, Utah

8. Kuyo U., age 10, Hawaii

9. Josiah H., age 10, California

10. Emmalee C., age 11, Texas

11. Garrett S., age 6, Utah

12. Alondra P., age 8, Arkansas

13. McKay F., age 7, Idaho

14. Karli W., age 9, Washington
