“Friends in the News,” Friend, Dec. 2009, 33
Friends in the News
Meet some Primary children from the New Delhi First Branch in India!
Cynthia S., 8, is called “Twinkle” by her family. She does well in school, where she is learning to read Hindi and English. She often helps her parents and grandfather at home, and she likes to dance.
Joshua J., 6, likes to sing at church. “I Am a Child of God” is his favorite Primary song. He often plays with his toy cars, and he especially likes to play with his cousins.
Anchul and Selvy K., 5 and 6, enjoy playing catch with their dad. Anchul is curious and likes to learn about cars. Selvy studies English and Hindi in school, and she recently learned to ride a bicycle. Anchul and Selvy help clean up after dinner every night. Their favorite foods are rice and yellow dal (lentils).
Parker W., 4, greets everyone in church with a handshake and a smile. At home, he likes to play with blocks and watch cartoons. He also helps his parents with the dishes.
Isaac, Russell, and Graham C., 7, 5, and 2, enjoy living in New Delhi, India. Isaac is good at inventing things. Russell runs fast and likes to race his brothers in the park. Graham likes to eat spicy food, take rides on bicycle rickshaws, and say hello to the cows and dogs in the streets.
John and Natalia M., 11 and 8, Florida, both enjoy reading the Book of Mormon and attending Primary. John won an award for reading 15 million words! John and Natalia are both great readers.
Bryce J., 11, Utah, is a good friend and fun to be around. He likes to read and write and wants to be an author when he grows up. His favorite hymn is “The Spirit of God.” Bryce tries to keep the commandments and knows he is a son of God.
Savannah W., 10, Utah, is thoughtful, helpful, and lots of fun. She enjoys dance, art, piano, and singing. Her favorite scripture story is about Esther. She wants to be courageous and good—just like Esther was.
Ty F., 4, Missouri, loves music and can often be found singing. He likes playing with his brother and best friend, Luke. He enjoys swimming, eating treats, and family home evening. He has a great laugh and smile. He is very special to his family.
Janessa C., 8, Utah, enjoys reading, drawing, and playing with friends. She tries hard to make new friends every day.
Justin A., 5, Utah, loves the Friend so much he created his own. He colored pictures and wrote stories about the prophet, the temple, and being a friend. He also put in games, a family home evening page, a recipe, and even hid a CTR ring inside.
Mount Olympus Eighth Ward
The Primary children of the Mount Olympus Eighth Ward, Salt Lake Mount Olympus North Stake, donated money to the Perpetual Education Fund.
Jayden G., 6, California, enjoys his twin brother and sister, Josh and Jena. He makes sure he gives them a hug and a kiss before he leaves for school. He is a big help to his mom and dad.