Detective Mya Heritage and the Adventures of a Happy Family
January 2010

“Detective Mya Heritage and the Adventures of a Happy Family,” Friend, Jan. 2010, 28–29

Detective Mya Heritage and the Adventures of a Happy Family

Every family is different. Some families are big, and some are small. Some families enjoy playing games together, and some like to go on walks. But every family is happiest when they follow the principles found in “The Family: A Proclamation to the World.”

Look up the scripture for each principle. Then get out your magnifying glass and join Detective Heritage as she tries to catch members of your family following the principles. On the lines from the detective notebook, write down how you saw the principles being followed. Then share what you discovered with your family.

Faith—Ether 12:8–9

Prayer—Enos 1:4

Repentance—Helaman 5:11

Forgiveness—Doctrine and Covenants 64:10

Respect—Moses 5:20

Love—Mosiah 4:15

Compassion—3 Nephi 17:6

Work—2 Nephi 5:15

Wholesome recreational activities—1 Nephi 1:1

Illustrations by Julie F. Young
