Teaching Tanner’s Teacher
January 2010

“Teaching Tanner’s Teacher,” Friend, Jan. 2010, 32–33

Teaching Tanner’s Teacher

I want to be a missionary now. I don’t want to wait until I’m grown ( Children’s Songbook, 168).

1 One day Tanner got a picture of Jesus. He loved the picture. He wanted to share it with somebody. He knew that not everybody knows about Jesus.

2 “Mom, can I give my picture of Jesus to somebody?” Tanner asked.

“Sure,” Mom said. “Who will you give it to?”

“I’m going to give it to my teacher, Mrs. Young. I like her because she reads me lots of stories.”

“That’s a wonderful idea,” Mom said. “I’m proud of you.”

3 When Tanner got to preschool, he gave the picture to Mrs. Young. She was happy to get a picture of Jesus. Tanner was happy she liked it.

4 A few days later, Tanner and his family made a book that looked like the Book of Mormon golden plates. Then they wrote their testimonies in the book.

“Mom, can I take our book to school to show Mrs. Young?” Tanner asked.

“Yes, you can,” Mom said.

5 The next day at school, Tanner carried a backpack with his family’s golden plates inside. He told Mrs. Young about the book his family had made. Tanner’s teacher was very interested.

6 When Mom picked up Tanner from school that day, his teacher went to talk to Tanner’s mother.

“Tanner brought something very interesting today,” Mrs. Young said. “Can you tell me more?”

“How would you and your husband like to come to dinner at our house?” Mom asked. “We can talk more then.”

“That sounds great,” Mrs. Young said.

7 A few months later, Tanner and his mother went to Mr. and Mrs. Young’s baptism.

“I’m very happy I shared my picture of Jesus with my teacher,” Tanner said.

“I know that she is too,” Mom said. “You are a big reason why Mrs. Young and her husband are being baptized today.”

8 Tanner had a happy feeling as he watched Mrs. Young be baptized. He smiled as Mom leaned over and whispered, “Four-year-olds are great missionaries!”

Illustrations by Elise Black
