Why I Love the Prophet
March 2010

“Why I Love the Prophet,” Friend, Mar. 2010, 16

Why I Love the Prophet

I love to see the prophet.

He always seems to be

So unafraid and happy,

A source of strength for me.

I love to hear the prophet

Reveal both truth and light.

The Holy Ghost bears witness

That what he says is right.

He shows me by example

The things I need to do

So I can make wise choices

And know the Church is true.

I know the prophet loves me.

He wants me to be good

So I can live the gospel

As Jesus says we should.

The truths the prophet teaches

Will help me to obey

My parents and my leaders,

Who guide me on my way.

I’ll heed the prophet’s counsel

And do my best to show,

In thought and word and action,

I live by what I know.

Illustration by Taia Morley
