Bulletin Board
June 2010

“Bulletin Board,” Friend, June 2010, 12–13

Bulletin Board

A Temple Goal

In the May 1998 general conference, President Gordon B. Hinckley (1910–2008) announced a goal to have 100 temples by the end of the century. That was less than two years away! By the end of the year 2000, 49 temples were dedicated, bringing the number of working temples to 102. Now there are more than 130 temples around the world! This was a big goal, but Heavenly Father helps us all with our goals, whether they are little or big. How has Heavenly Father helped you with a goal?

The Oquirrh Mountain Temple in Utah was the 130th dedicated temple!

Journal Junction

Take some time this month to read 3 Nephi 13:30–33. Then write in your journal about the love you have for Heavenly Father and for your earthly father.

Illustrations by Mark Robison
