Bulletin Board
August 2010

“Bulletin Board,” Friend, Aug. 2010, 12–13

Bulletin Board

President Thomas S. Monson

“I know without question, my brothers and sisters, that God lives. I testify to you that this is His work. I testify as well that our Savior Jesus Christ is at the head of this Church, which bears His name. I know that the sweetest experience in all this life is to feel His promptings as He directs us in the furtherance of His work. … I testify that each one of us can feel the Lord’s inspiration as we live worthily and strive to serve Him.”

—President Thomas S. Monson

(“Looking Back and Moving Forward,” Ensign, May 2008, 88.)

Investigating the Scriptures

Do you know how to be a “scripture investigator”? The children of the Central Falls Ward in Providence, Rhode Island, learned how. First their Primary president, Sister Heather Smith, taught them the questions an investigative reporter asks: Who? What? Where? How? and Why? Then they used those questions to “investigate” the topic of baptism. They applied their new skills to investigate Matthew 3:13–17, and here’s what they found out:

  • Who: Jesus and John the Baptist

  • What: baptism

  • Where: the River Jordan

  • How: by immersion

  • Why: to fulfill all righteousness

For these children, studying the scriptures is also a great way to practice their reading skills. Many of their parents were born in Cape Verde, an island off the coast of Africa. At home, some of the children speak Portuguese and a language called Creole. At school and church, they speak and read English. But whatever language they’re using, they enjoy learning from the scriptures!

Journal Junction

What are some stories from the scriptures that you really enjoy? Take some time this month to read a few of them. Then pick one story and write in your journal about why you like it.

The Light of the World © Greg Olsen, do not copy; archery illustrations by Scott Greer; John the Baptist Baptizes Jesus by Robert Barrett, © 1999 IRI
