undefined undefined Matt and Mandy Helped Me
Matt and Mandy Helped Me
August 2010

“Matt and Mandy Helped Me,” Friend, Aug. 2010, inside front cover

Matt and Mandy Helped Me

Teigan P., age 9, Alberta, Canada

I was making a poster for my homework and I got frustrated that I couldn’t draw what I was trying to draw, so I threw my pencil. My Mom suggested that I could read to calm down. I was going to read my favorite book, but then I felt like I should read the Friend instead. I read Matt and Mandy. It helped me feel better because Matt was having a bad day, but he tried to remember he was a child of God. I read it eight times, and I got a warm feeling. I know that Heavenly Father knows me and all my problems. If I will listen to the still, small voice, He will comfort and help me. I know I am a child of God.

Illustration by Shauna Mooney Kawasaki