Missionary Mail
August 2010

“Missionary Mail,” Friend, Aug. 2010, 28


Missionary Mail

There are more than 50,000 missionaries from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints preaching the gospel all over the world. Read these missionary letters and try to match the description on the letter to its correct stamp.

Brrr! It sure is cold here, but we get a warm feeling every time we bear our testimonies. Did you know it snows seven months out of the year here? Luckily we have our shapkas to keep our heads dry when it snows. Even though some missionary work was done here in the early 1900s, missionaries had to leave and they were not allowed in the country again until 1990. I wonder if the missionaries back then saw the same big, colorful building in the city that we see almost every day now.

Buon giorno,
Thanks for the letters. I love to read them. It is humbling to be serving the Lord as a missionary in the same area where the Apostles Peter and Paul also did missionary work around 2,000 years ago. I am trying to be as bold in declaring the gospel as they were. I spend all day walking and talking to people. I sometimes want to lean back and take a break (especially when I see the “lazy” building near our apartment), but I love the feeling of coming home at the end of every day and knowing I did my best. Ciao!

missionary stamps

St. Basil’s Cathedral © Corbis; Mount Rushmore © Comstock.com; Salt Lake Temple © 1996 Steve Tregeagle; Leaning Tower of Pisa © IRI

Moscow, Russia

South Dakota, USA

Salt Lake City, USA

Pisa, Italy

The work is going great here. One of the hardest things about finding people is that this is a big state, so the people who live here are spread out. Fortunately, the members of the Church are helping us find people to teach. I’m grateful we have the freedom to teach the gospel to everyone who wants to hear it. In fact, one of the country’s symbols of freedom is located in my mission.

I am having such a wonderful experience as a sister missionary. One of the greatest things about serving a mission here is that the missionaries I serve with are from several different countries and speak many different languages. Missionary work here is unique. Instead of going out and finding people to teach, people actually come to us. They enjoy looking in the visitors’ centers and other nearby buildings. I especially love to testify about eternal families when people see all of the newlywed brides and grooms and ask why they get married here.

I’m going to be a missionary someday!
