“The Power of Kind Words,” Friend, Mar. 2011, 31
Friend to Friend
The Power of Kind Words
From an interview with Elder Rafael E. Pino of the Seventy; by Joshua J. Perkey, Church Magazines
If we love one another, God dwelleth in us (1 John 4:12).
I was baptized when I was 17 years old. My first responsibility in the Church was to pass the sacrament. I was very excited to exercise the priesthood and to do my part.
On my first Sunday to pass the sacrament, I tried to do my very best. But about halfway through passing the water, I realized I had been taking the tray back from the members too quickly. They didn’t have time to put their empty cups back into the tray.
I felt terrible. I felt like I had failed in my duty.
When the meeting was over, an older gentleman, Brother Ostos, came up to me and gave me a hug. He said, “Rafael, you did wonderfully.”
I shook my head. “No, I didn’t,” I said. “I didn’t give the members time to put the cups back.”
He just smiled and said to me, “That doesn’t matter, Rafael. You were so reverent. You did a wonderful job.”
It was such a short conversation, but this good man’s friendship and support made a lasting impression. It gave me strength and courage to continue serving in the Church. How powerful kind words can be!