Jesus Teaches His Disciples to Pray
June 2011

“Jesus Teaches His Disciples to Pray,” Friend, June 2011, 14–15

Stories of Jesus

Jesus Teaches His Disciples to Pray

All around the land of Galilee, people were astonished at the things Jesus did and said. One day a crowd followed Jesus to hear Him speak. Jesus went up to a hillside with His disciples. Then He sat down and began to teach them about the blessings of God. He said those who are pure in heart will see God. If you are sad, God will comfort you. If you are humble, gentle, or a peacemaker, God will bless you. If people say bad things about you because you are righteous, you will be rewarded in heaven.

“Ye are the light of the world,” Jesus told His disciples. He explained that a man who lights a candle doesn’t hide it, but puts it on a candlestick so it can shine through the whole house. Be like the candle on the candlestick, Jesus said. Do not hide your faith. Be a good example and let your light shine.

Then Jesus told His followers not to be like people who loudly pray in public only so other people can see them. Quietly go in your room, He said. Shut the door, and then pray to your Father in Heaven.

Jesus gave the people a pattern for how to pray. He showed how to begin in Heavenly Father’s name. He said He wanted everything to happen just the way Heavenly Father wants it to, just as it is in heaven.

In His prayer, the Lord asked Heavenly Father to provide food for us to eat. He asked Heavenly Father to forgive us, as we forgive others. He showed people how to pray that they would not be led into temptation by evil things. Jesus gave glory to His Father in Heaven and closed His prayer with the word amen.

Jesus taught the people, “Ask of God; ask, and it shall be given you.” Some people thought that God would listen to Moses and the prophets but that He would not hear them pray.

Jesus answered them with a story. He said a father would not give a stone to his hungry son when his son asks for bread. A father gives his son good gifts. Our Father in Heaven wants to give good gifts to all of His children. He listens to us and knows what we ask. Heavenly Father wants to give us all that He has.

Sermon On the Mount, by Harry Anderson © IRI; Moses, by Dan Burr
